
Diaspora in Action

Help us to fund this Platform

У DiasporaInAction 0 спонсоров.


Contribute to grow this platform! We have started Diaspora in Action as a way for Tunisian diaspora to contribute their knowledge, experiences, networks and skills to build a prosperous Tunisia, and our platform diasporainaction.mn.co is the central place where we interact, network, discuss ideas and get projects started. We have reached 300 members in 9 months, and we aim to reach more members and more interesting discussions and projects by investing in better online tools and content, and because we are committed to remaining independent, we would like to ask YOU, our community to help us fund the growth of the platform. We spend around 30€ per month now on keeping the platform alive and online, and we would like to invest in tools that cost 150€ per month. Help us with your donation (even 5€ per month make a difference). Thank you, Your DiA team


DiasporaInAction присоединился 3 года назад.

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