Rolisteam is a virtual tabletop software. It helps you to manage tabletop role playing games with remote friends/players.
It provides many features to make this experience as easy as possible. Our goal is to make Rolisteam-managed RPG games as good as RPG games around your table.
To achieve it, we are working hard to provide you more and more features.
- Maps
- Dice Roller
- Character sheets
- Character sheet editor (RCSE)
- Sharing Images
- Background Music (3 tracks)
- Unit Converter
- Name generator
- Instant Message (one to one, many to many, all to all)
Beyond Rolisteam
Rolisteam is also an association. Its purpose is to promote free software and Pen and Paper RPG. To do that, Rolisteam is working on different tools such as RCM to manage convention, rmindmap to design your story.
We also provide some tools for different platforms : The dice roller of rolisteam is included on several tools: Twitter bot, Irc bot, Webserver. @DiceParser is a twitter bot. It provides few service on Twitter.
Связанные аккаунты
Rolisteam владеет следующими аккаунтами на других сайтах:
Rolisteam присоединился 8 лет назад.