
Jan Dvorak

Community Engineer, Meteor.js developer, aspiring writer.

У Storyteller 0 спонсоров.


Hello! I work on multiple projects within the Meteor.js community and beyond. Most notably I'm one of the people driving Meteor Community Packages forward. Beyond that I maintain multiple packages and support the community in general (you probably come from a link I posted somewhere). Obviously this is all out of my free time and it doesn't come cheap, so I'm grateful for any donation that will go towards supporting any of these projects and hopefully making new exciting one.

Связанные аккаунты

Storyteller владеет следующими аккаунтами на других сайтах:


meteor-accounts-line Избранное 0 Обновлено на этой неделе

LINE login integration for Meteor.

meteor-roles (fork) Избранное 0 Обновлено на этой неделе

Authorization package for Meteor, compatible with built-in accounts packages

meteor-collection-hooks (fork) Избранное 0 Обновлено на этой неделе

Meteor Collection Hooks


Storyteller присоединился 5 лет назад.

Storyteller не раскрывает, сколько они получают через Liberapay.