


pilsbot получает 0,00 € в неделю от 0 спонсоров.


Our goal is to build a self driving handcart from low-cost parts. Everything we do is in our free time - released as Open Source, so that everyone can build his/her own version. If you want to sponsor us a drink, we would be happy! All donations either go into our already paid hardware or into more understandable documentation, so that you can build it better.

Связанные аккаунты

pilsbot владеет следующими аккаунтами на других сайтах:


pilsbot Избранное 4 Обновлено 2 месяца назад

This is the main Meta-Repo. Documentation and issues about the project as a whole go here.


pilsbot присоединился 4 года назад.

Доход за неделю (в евро)

Количество спонсоров в неделю