

Alfredo F. ( aka PT_Alfred)

У ptalfred 0 спонсоров.


Hi, my name is Alfredo F. ( aka PT_Alfred ).

I’m a design enthusiast, and passionate about the GNU/Linux world.

Design Enthusiast

I'm just a guy that is fascinated with design, artwork and everything related. As a disclaimer, I'm not a professional designer and my main occupation it's not related to that. But, I like to explore this world of art and design, by creating my own artwork through learning and experimenting, and well, it's my own process of doing it.

Passionate about GNU/Linux

I'm a GNU/Linux user and it's been my main operative system for a while now. I'm running it for creating, editing and managing my artwork, while only using FOSS software.

So, you must be wondering why the acronym "PT_Alfred". - Well, actually this has a meaning...

  • The first part "PT", is the TLD of my country, Portugal.
  • The second one it's... my mane.

Simple and straitfoward, right?

Связанные аккаунты

ptalfred владеет следующими аккаунтами на других сайтах:


ptalfred присоединился 4 года назад.

ptalfred не раскрывает, сколько они получают через Liberapay.