
@quokka@scicomm.xyz (Admin)

scicomm.xyz - A Mastodon instance for scientists and science lovers!

scicomm.xyz получает 5,08 £ в неделю от 10 спонсоров. Цель: 35,00 £
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SciComm.xys is a Mastodon server (aka instance) aimed at scientists, science students, science communicators, or anyone with a rational mindset wanting to interact with each other and to help share your perspectives with the wider Fediverse.

So come here to ask questions, answer questions, and to share ideas and stories with like-minded folk. The federated nature of the network will also help to spread your sciencey know-how and enthusiasm with the rest of the Mastodon network!

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У scicomm.xyz 2 публичных спонсора.

1,15 $/в неделю
0,38 £/в неделю


scicomm.xyz присоединился 7 лет назад.

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