
Thilo Molitor

I'm working on multiple XMPP related projects: Monal (iOS client), Push Appserver etc.

tmolitor получает 6,02 € в неделю от 6 спонсоров.
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I'm a developer from Germany interested in all sorts of XMPP related stuff.

I'm author of the APNS/FCM push appserver for XMPP (https://github.com/tmolitor-stud-tu/mod_push_appserver/) and maintainer of some of the community modules of the Prosody XMPP server.

I'm also heavily contributing to the iOS XMPP client Monal (https://github.com/anurodhp/Monal/).

In the past I contributed some work to Gajim (Desktop XMPP client), too (inline image display, http upload, bugfixes).

Sponsoring me will help to keep up this work and to fund test devices for the developement of Monal.

Связанные аккаунты

tmolitor владеет следующими аккаунтами на других сайтах:


mod_push_appserver Избранное 26 Обновлено 2 года назад

Simple and extendable appserver for XMPP pushes (aka. XEP-0357)

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У tmolitor 2 публичных спонсора.

Matthew Fennell
0,69 €/в неделю
0,25 €/в неделю


tmolitor присоединился 4 года назад.

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